Our "Eco club" was formed in September 2022 in line with the International Eco-Schools criteria. Since then the club has been engaged in numerous activates relating to energy reduction, sustainability and biodiversity, all of which have contributed to the eco schools award certificate for the last three years. The club consists of two sections, an "eco committee" consisting of 8-10 K4 volunteers. The function of the committee to to decided which eco topics will be the focus for the academic year based on the criteria provided International Eco-Schools organisation, and also to promote our eco values throughout the school . The topics translate in to time bound actions and activities, which are subsequently monitored to assist in our submission for the eco school annual award. Our "Eco Club" consists of approximately 14-16 K3 volunteer pupils, which rotate every 8 weeks thus ensuring a positive influence throughout the school population . The club undertakes regular energy audits of the school as well as various activities ranging from external visits relating to biodiversity, environmental management. School activities are also undertaken relating to recycling and reuse of plastic and maintaining the schools wellbeing garden