We ran a Green Travel to School day on 9th July, encourging families to travel to school by sustainable and active means. We surveyed school travel behaviours on the preceding Friday and on the Green Travel day. According to the data collected by the survey team, the number of pupils arriving at the school gates by car decreased from 56% on the preceding Friday to 27%. This had a remarkable impact on congestion around the school gates, improving road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The most notable change was in those who normally travel just 5 minutes by car. This group decreased from 29 pupils on 2 July to just 3 pupils on the Green Travel to School day. It was great to see so many families enjoying an active start to the day, with pupils arriving energised, alert and ready to learn.
The Park and Stride option offered was popular with 14 pupils using St Mary's church car park, 5 using the Inn and 4 using Brown's field. Following positive feedback from families we will try to work with the local community to facilitate and promote regular Park and Stride options in future.