Diffoddwyd oergelloedd a rhewgelloedd yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgol
Maw 26ain Tach 2024
We emailed the site manager and asked him whether we turn off the electricity during school holidays. His response was there was a need to keep boilers on at all times in the sports areas and main reception block. All heating to other blocks are turned off. Fridges and freezers stay on especially inside the main kitchen. All water chillers and hot water boilers are on a time switch.
This is the reply from the site manager.
Disgyblion sy'n cymryd rhan yn y gweithgaredd hwn: 2
Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i Sbarcynni weithio. Hoffem hefyd ddefnyddio cwcis dadansoddol fel y gallwn ddeall sut rydych yn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth a gwneud gwelliannau.
Dysgu rhagor