At the start of the year we put up stickers for light switches - mainly in classrooms - to try to encourage staff and pupils to turn off the lights if they were not needed.
When talking to the eco-club, they were given the power to remind staff and do spot checks during the school day to check if these stickers were helping to reduce the amount of lights left on.
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Bydd disgyblion yn nodi’r holl offer TG, teclynnau a goleuadau drwy’r ysgol ac yn nodi pa rai y gellir eu diffodd gan ddefnyddio system codio goleuadau traffig.
Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i Sbarcynni weithio. Hoffem hefyd ddefnyddio cwcis dadansoddol fel y gallwn ddeall sut rydych yn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth a gwneud gwelliannau.
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