Defnydd diweddar o ynni

Defnyddio (kWh) CO2 (kg) Cost (£) Arbedion posib % Newid
Nwy Wythnos ddiwethaf 898 164 £26.90 n/a -2.4%
Y llynedd 130,000 23,700 £3,890 £2,150 n/a
Nwy data: 1 Ebr 2023 - 26 Medi 2024. Sut wnaethom ni gyfrifo'r ffigurau hyn?

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Your school has two electricity meters and in order for Energy Sparks to be able to receive the data for these meters, they need to be signed up to the correct data package. Your school has two gas meters. We are displaying the data for MPR 13283105. The other gas meter, MPR 13015607, isn't capable of sharing data with us and needs to be upgraded. Please liaise with the central MAT office to arrange these upgrades.

Rydych chi wedi cwblhau 0/8 o'r gweithgareddau yn y rhaglen Byddwch yn Egniol!
Cwblhewch y 8 gweithgaredd olaf nawr i sgorio 70 o bwyntiau a 30 o bwyntiau bonws am gwblhau'r rhaglen

Gweld nawr

Rhybuddion diweddar

Y llynedd, gwnaeth eich ysgol ddefnyddio 650 kWh o ynni fesul disgybl. Mae hyn wedi costio tua £20 ac wedi cynhyrchu 120 kg CO2 fesul disgybl. Beth allech chi ei wneud i leihau eich ôl troed carbon yn yr ysgol?

Dysgu rhagor

Roedd defnydd nwy penwythnos diwethaf yn 0 kWh yn costio tua 0c. Da iawn i chi am leihau'r defnydd o wres ar y penwythnos!

Dysgu rhagor

Diweddariad sgorfwrdd

Dim ond 5 o bwyntiau sydd angen i chi eu sgorio i gael mwy nag yr ysgol nesaf!

Complete our recommended activities and actions to score points and start reducing your energy usage.

Nid yw eich ysgol wedi sgorio unrhyw bwyntiau eto y flwyddyn ysgol hon







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Schools score points by recording their activities to investigate their energy use, learning about energy, and taking energy saving actions around their school.